Ace Fixed Centralizer in a 6 5/8” application in UAE
Major Operator selects Ace Fixed Centralizer (AFC) as a viable alternative to similar non-rotating centralizer options in the gulf.

Casing, 6 5/8", TSH W 521 - DPLS, range 3 (40-44), L-80.
8 ½” open hole
Temp 300F
35.000 ft/lbs of rotational rating
190.000lbs of axial rating
Steel with demonstrated abrasion resistance for ERD applications
Flow by area inside 8 ½” open hole 25,9%: 14.69sqin
No deformation to casing
The challenge
Operation flexibility at a satisfactory level for the Rubicon Swivel Master was needed to give full torque capabilities to the BHA.
The solution
Ace Oil Tools provided a 6 5/8” Fixed Centralizer resulting in a dramatic reduction in work string friction.
The patented AFC is specifically designed for applications where rigid centralizers are required to be both rotationally and axial fixed to the casing, and to withstand extreme forces of the same. The RIB design is custom made to satisfy customer flow-by requirements.
Each unit is easily installed off-line and does not require pipe preparation or transportation off-site for installation. The AFC is fast to install with a small hydraulic tool and up to 200 AFC’s can be installed in one day.
The result
Two hundred (200) AFC’s were installed off-line at the pipe yard, on ninety-nine (99) joints.
The pipe was sent to the rig then run down to TD (28,903 feet) without any issues and with a very satisfying friction factor of 0,07 in open hole.