Code of Ethics
1.1 This code of ethics has been adopted by the board of directors of Ace Well Technology.
1.2 The objective of the code is to establish a healthy corporate culture in which employees follow good business practice standards and assume shared
responsibility in upholding our reputation and corporate social responsibility. In addition to ensuring that Ace Well Technology operates in an ethical manner, the code
also acts a tool for the exercise of value-based management and employee participation.
1.3 The code applies to employees of Ace Well Technology, consultants acting on behalf of Ace Well Technology as well as agents or other partners. It also applies
to board members when they act on behalf of the company. The board is responsible for ensuring compliance with the code.
2.1 Ace Well Technology expects employees to demonstrate fairness, honesty and professional and personal integrity in their dealings with their employer and colleagues, customers, suppliers, shareholders, competitors and Ace Well Technology business.
2.2 Ace Well Technology does not tolerate discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation. Respect for the individual is fundamental; everyone shall be treated with dignity and respect.
2.3 Ace Well Technology does not tolerate corruption. Employees of Ace Well Technology shall neither directly nor indirectly offer, promise, give or accept bribes.
The same applies to illegal or inappropriate gifts or other unreasonable advantages or benefits in order to obtain gains for Ace Well Technology or personal gain.
2.4 Ace Well Technology requires employees to comply with legislation and regulations in the countries in which the company operates. The internal guidelines also apply in these countries, provided they do not contravene current legislation.
3.1 Values
Ace Well Technology employees shall demonstrate honesty and professional and personal integrity. Ace Well Technology expects all employees to actively
contribute to value creation and the positive development of Ace Well Technology reputation through the exercise of value-based management and employee
participation in an open and stimulating corporate culture, which is characterized by high ethical standards and continuous improvement. The values will help
managers and employees to deal with dilemmas in working life with optimum efficiency. The fundamental ethical principles and values will also help ensure that Ace
Well Technology acts as a socially responsible player and actively seek to positively impact internal and/or UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
3.2 Working environment
3.2.1 Ace Well Technology shall be a professional, positive and stimulating workplace with an inclusive working environment.
3.2.2 Ace Well Technology shall comply with all requirements laid down in relevant legislation and endeavour to establish working methods that ensure a good and
safe working environment. Ace Well Technology shall not make use of child labour.
3.2.3 All employees shall help create a working environment which is free of discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability or
sexual orientation. Ace Well Technology does not tolerate behavior that may be perceived as derisive, humiliating or threatening.
3.3 Relationship with contractual partners, competitors and government authorities
3.3.1 Contractual partners shall be treated with due respect.
3.3.2 Ace Well Technology shall maintain constructive, open dialogue with government authorities.
3.3.3 Ace Well Technology aims for fair, open competition in all markets. Under no circumstances shall Ace Well Technology or any of its employees participate in
activities that contravene current competition legislation.
3.3.4 Ace Well Technology does not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption. Ace Well Technology will take necessary action to avoid being involved in financial
transactions that may involve money laundering.
3.4 Loyalty, conflicts of interest and duty of confidentiality
3.4.1 Ace Well Technology requires all employees to show loyalty to the company and to refrain from any actions or interests that may impede their ability to perform
their work objectively and effectively.
3.4.2 Conflicts of interest should be avoided. If a conflict of interest arises, the employee in question is responsible for assessing the situation and, if necessary,
notifying a superior. This applies to all conflicts of interest that may involve customers, suppliers, current or future employees, competitors or other connections.
3.4.3 All employees shall keep secret all confidential information about Ace Well Technology, in order to avoid unauthorized parties gaining access to it, and shall
show due caution in conversations about internal matters, in order to avoid being overheard by unauthorized parties.
3.4.4 Only the managing director and chairman of the board, or a person delegated by them, may make public statements on behalf of Ace Well Technology with
regard to financial conditions, future prospects and the board.
3.5 Compliance, control and sanctions
3.5.1 As an integral part of internal control and external audits, Ace Well Technology shall regularly ensure compliance with all aspects of this code of ethics.
3.5.2 Any questions or uncertainty concerning interpretation or application of the code of ethics should be addressed to the managing director or to the chairman of
the board.
3.5.3 Any violation of the code of ethics shall be reported immediately to the managing director or to the chairman of the board.
3.5.4 The privacy of the notifier and the subject of the notification shall be respected.
3.5.5 The managing director or board shall without delay investigate all reported instances of violation of the code of ethics and take necessary and preventive action.
3.5.6 All serious violations of the code of ethics shall also be reported to the board of Ace Well Technology.
4. ESG
4.1 Ace Well Technology assumes that company and its employees apply to company’s own ESG strategy/guidelines for ESG, Code of Practice for Environmental, Social and Governance,